Wednesday, January 19, 2005

mmm... Nice!

Jazz. To some a terrible, terrible word. To some, a big heap of shite. Yet, to some, soothing. The thinking man's classical music. I think the employment of the Miles Davis age coefficient is in order. To wit:

If one is under 20, no jazz may be possessed, not even on burned CD. One is allowed five jazz CDs (including Blue Note and Verve samplers, and also bossa nova, Hiroko) per decade beyond the teens they are in. i.e. 20-29=5 jazz CDs or less. 30-39=10 jazz CDs or less.

Can't you see the inherit sense? Can't you see that we wish to save you from unnecessary beret and goatee combinations? Can't you?


Blogger peter said...

i would like to posit an escape clause, namely if one is studying some aspect of music theory or performance at a conservatory level. then i think it is ok to possess jazz CDs as long as there is a demonstrable range within the collection.

also, where does so-called 'fusion', and for that matter 'chill out', fit into the spectrum? these borrow heavily from jazz in many instances.

generally speaking i agree with the age-based scale, but might allow up to 7 per decade.

12:07 AM  
Blogger Marc said...

Of course, Hannah, you are sort of right. But, oh, don't you know just how pretentious Pete and I are. Pete owns, and even wears a beret, whereas I am likely to sing the praises of techno "artists" known only to obscurants.

But "difficult" jazz is almost as bad as Kenny G. Seriously. Most people who own "difficult" jazz only do it to lord it over other people. If you listen to "difficult" jazz more than once a week, you are either living with a "difficult" jazz musician, mentally disturbed, too pretentious or just a plain liar liar goatee on fire.

3:46 AM  

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